Gabrielle Chardigny (Paris, 1996) is a French artist/sculptor who graduated from the Superior School of Art and Design of Saint-Étienne (ESADSE) in 2021. Based in Berlin, she works at SudkreuzAteliers. Since 2021, she has been invited to participate in the artist residency: Montemero Residency in Andalusia and to exhibit her work in Portugal, France, and Germany.
“My work examines the complex relationships humans have with nature. Creating an interaction between man-made and natural materials allows me to question the inconsistencies of human actions on the plant world, the dysfunctions of society, and reveal the reality of an increasingly vulnerable world.
Combining these materials allows me to address the concept of time. Industrial materials, which represent durability and rapid production, are juxtaposed with natural materials that impose a slower pace of creation. These materials eventually interact, intertwine, and transform, coexisting to create complex forms that blend the artificial and the natural, resistance and fragility, speed and deceleration.”
2024 Waking Life, Art Installation, Art and Music Festival, Crato/Portugal
2024 Recess, Art Installation, Fitzroy, Berlin/Germany
2023 Waking Life, Art Installation, Art and Music Festival, Crato/Portugal
2024 Habitat, Collective Exhibition curated by Füfter Löffel, Stadtwerkstatt, Berlin/Germany
2024 Reservoir, Collective Exhibition curated by Akiko Bernhof, Wasserspeicher, Berlin/Germany
2023 Das Lebendige, Collective Exhibition curated by FotoHaus, Kunst-un Projekthaus Torstraße 111, Berlin/Germany
2021 Espacements, Collective Exhibition curated by Alexandre Quoi, Saint-Etienne/France
2021 Matières Précieuses, Collective Exhibition curated by Stéphane Le Mercier, cité du design, Saint-Etienne/France
2023 Montemero Art Residency, Artist Residency organized by Iksvy Art, Almeria/Spain