Gabrielle Chardigny
 (Paris, 1996) is a French artist/sculptor who graduated from the Superior School of Art and Design of Saint-Étienne (ESADSE) in 2021. Based in Berlin, she works at SudkreuzAteliers. Since 2021, she has been invited to participate in the artist residency: Montemero Residency in Andalusia and to exhibit her work in Portugal, France, and Germany.

“ My work explores the complex relationship between man, industry, and nature. By creating an interaction between industrialized and natural materials, I aim to question the inconsistencies inherent in human actions toward the plant world, while shedding light on society's dysfunctions. Through this, I seek to reveal the stark reality of a world becoming increasingly.

At the core of my practice are simple, natural processes such as condensation, evaporation, and sprouting. These elemental processes become central components of my installations, which are never static. They evolve and transform over time, reflecting the ever-changing nature of the world itself. By allowing these processes to unfold, I create an ongoing dialogue between the artificial and the organic, where each element unexpectedly affects and alters the other. 

The juxtaposition of industrialized and natural materials allows me to explore the notion of time. Industrial materials, often associated with mass production, durability, and speed, are paired with natural elements that require a slower, more organic rhythm of development. This deliberate contrast introduces a tension between the fast-paced, mechanized world we live in and the slower, more fragile cycles of nature.

As time passes, these materials interact—merging, resisting, decaying, and intertwining. The result is a fusion of opposing forces: the artificial and the natural, resilience and vulnerability, acceleration and deceleration. This ongoing interaction creates a space for reflection on the issues of human intervention in natural systems, raising questions about sustainability, exploitation, and coexistence.”


       Waking Life, Art Installation, Art and Music Festival, Crato/Portugal

2024        Recess, Art Installation, Fitzroy, Berlin/Germany

2023        Waking Life, Art Installation, Art and Music Festival, Crato/Portugal


2024       Habitat, Collective Exhibition curated by Füfter Löffel, Stadtwerkstatt, Berlin/Germany

2024        Reservoir, Collective Exhibition curated by Akiko Bernhof,  Wasserspeicher,  Berlin/Germany

2023       Das Lebendige, Collective Exhibition curated by FotoHaus, Kunst-un Projekthaus Torstraße 111, Berlin/Germany

2021        Espacements, Collective Exhibition curated by Alexandre Quoi, Saint-Etienne/France

2021        Matières Précieuses, Collective Exhibition curated by Stéphane Le Mercier, cité du design, Saint-Etienne/France


2023        Montemero Art ResidencyArtist Residency organized by Iksvy Art, Almeria/Spain